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Try Out Season: COACH POV

Writer: Crave AthleticsCrave Athletics

“Tryout Season” got you stressin’? Let's discuss some relevant information to help calm those nerves. First, let’s consider the individual skills an athlete brings to the table...

When assessing tumbling skills, it’s helpful to understand the difference between a skill ‘attempted’ & a skill ‘mastered’. Skills ‘attempted’ demonstrate great potential and determination to advance, while skills ‘mastered’ have the ability to be choreographed into a team routine. We choreograph skills athletes have mastered due to the fact that fifty percent of our tumbling score relies on technique (the way in which a skill is performed). Tumbling judges have the ability to watch skills performed in real time, and still be able to pick up on the smallest of technical errors. Scoring aside, there’s nothing more nerve wracking than being unsure about a tumbling pass on competition day. Although athletes may be placed on a team level they have mastered when it comes to tumbling, this does not mean they are restricted from learning and achieving more advanced tumbling skills. In fact, this is exactly the way to progress, and should be encouraged! Although the tumbling portion of the sport may not be challenging on a team basis for some athletes, we must not forget about our building skills.

When assessing building skills, things begin to get tricky. Not only do we have multiple stunting positions to juggle, but we must also watch how each individual athlete works & communicates with others. This "group project" requires total accountability, without which, the group may begin to struggle. This area is also more difficult to assess from an outsider's perspective than tumbling is. While tumbling is more easily comparable, each stunting position has different and unique attributes that play a role into their group.

While the occasional few still convince themselves that TUMBLING skills alone will secure their spot on a team, we must remember that BUILDING skills (stunts, pyramids, & tosses) make up the most point value on the scoresheet (twice as much as tumbling). With this in mind, we must ensure all teams will be successful in performing the required elite building skills before we consider the team’s tumbling ability.

After assessing the skills of the athletes, we must then consider the team as a whole. Social dynamics and the total number of athletes on the floor also play a role in team creation. Social dynamics have the power to make or break even the most talented of teams. Exceptional skills can not compare to a team with synergy & drive. Synergy is the interaction between a collective group to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. This type of energy has the power to bring athletes towards a common goal, knowing they could not achieve it without those around them. Lastly, the total athlete count on the floor determines how much of each area (building, tumbling, jumping, etc.) must be performed in a routine. Knowing these ratios and applying them to team placements, coaches have the ability to ensure their team can score a minimum of 85 points before routines are even put together.

Have any more questions in regards to tryouts?

Feel free to reach out and ask!



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